
Leonardo Vizeu
I like building online experiences.

I'm a dedicated software engineer who enjoys crafting web applications. My goal is to build innovative and user-friendly digital experiences. I started developing my own game, allowing me to express my skills in both practical and imaginative aspects of software engineering.
Here's what i do:

Github Logo
Github Logo
Leonardo's photo

About me

Welcome! My name is Leonardo and i enjoy creating modern web applications. I originaly started my journey as a self-taught Java developer but have since grown to work with multiple technologies, including Javascript, Next.js, Node.js, and NoSQL databases.
(Currently seeking for a job opportunity)

Some Technologies I use are:

  • Javascript
  • Next.js
  • Node.js
  • Java
  • Spring
  • Python
My Experience

Full Stack Developer

Develop and maintain web applications to show in my portfolio,
use Next.js to create the front-end and back-end in my projects,
creatie API Routes to call data from third party websites,
work with databases like PostGrees or MySQL to store data,
use Tailwind CSS to style my projects, use TypeScript and JavaScript
to build the logic behind the apps.

My Projects

Car Renting and SellingSourceCode
You Are the HopeSourceCode
School for YoungSourceCode